13 Week Walk/Run Program - Week 8 - Day 1

Today's objective: Run 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Do this 4 times.

Last week life got in the way and I couldn't find the time to squeeze in my last training day for week 7. This is the first training day I've missed in the 13 week walk run program so far. This was frustrating to me but I decided it would be fine since the next week (week 8) was to be a recovery week.

Today I woke up to do day 1 of week 8 and I had a terrible sore throat and my sinuses hurt. My husband had started getting sick a few days ago but until now I had been fine. I decided to go for it anyway with the hopes of kicking this illness in the butt with a good workout. Well, it ended up kicking mine.

I completed today's training but when I got home and showered, I did not feel very well. In fact halfway through the session, I had to stop and walk a bit because I was feeling quite nauseous. I finished my run and shower at about 6:15 and went back to bed until 11:00!! I'm still ill but I had to get out of bed. Right now I'm propped up on the couch wishing I was back in bed. I hope tomorrow is better.

Despite feeling crappy, I had some very nice moments during today's run. The first was sort of funny. I pass near a sea wall on one stretch and the tide must have been very high today because as I was passing I got sprayed by the surf; both going and coming back. The next thing was also funny to me. No disrespect to the locals here but I have never seen anyone ride a bike slower in my life. I tease that if there were an Olympic event for riding your bike as slow as possible without falling over, a Marshallese person would win. So this morning I had to chuckle as I caught up to and ran past a guy pedaling his bike to work. The last interesting thing I saw was a good sized hermit crab, about one and a half times the size of my fist. I stopped to shine my flashlight on him and noticed he was covered in ants. I did some checking online to see if maybe they were cleaning him but I can only find info on ants and hermit crabs competing for food.

So today wasn't a total loss, I had some good moments, got a LOT of sleep and maybe running will help me get better faster. We'll see.

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