Week 1 In Review

It's been a full week since I made a concious effort to get back on track. I have gained 15 pounds over the last 8 months due to life stresses and just plain letting go of my program. I am currently faced with buying bigger clothes, dealing with my thighs rubbing together, and and overall unhappiness for my current physique.

My weight loss goal is to lose those 15 pounds in 4 months. My plan involves using all of the tools I've made available here on this site, take up running, and to post my progress for all the world to see. Or at least the one or two people that stumble across this blog randomly.

Based on the weight loss equation I got from the The Business Plan for the Body my daily calorie goal is 1307. This is how many calories I need to stay under in order to lose around one pound a week.

If you look at my graph in the sidebar, you can see I'm still trying to get a handle on this. I was over my calorie goal every day and I had a couple of all out disaster days as well. I'm not perfect and creating new habits is tough work. I'm not giving up, I just need to be more strict with myself.

Despite my difficulty in keeping my calories under my weight loss target, the scale this morning was down 3 pounds. I can't say I trust this number. We'll see how weigh in goes next week. I have been working hard to drink plenty of water so I don't think it's dehydration. I don't really have an explaination, maybe my starting weight was affected by something, we'll see how it progresses. At any rate, I'm not going to count it as a success just yet. Just so you know, I weighed a day early this week since I won't be around my own scale for the next 5 days.

Next week is going to be extremely difficult for me. I currently live on a military base on a tiny island in the Pacific. We eat in a "mess hall", not exactly exciting. I've been here for a year now and this week, today in fact, I'm headed to Honolulu for a long weekend. I haven't eaten in a restaurant for a long time, it's going to be a real treat. I just have to keep control of myself. One of the first things I plan to do is get a new copy of The CalorieKing Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter. This will help me minimize the impact at least.

You may have noticed that I haven't started exercising yet. I find it extremely difficult (remember, this isn't the first time I've had to lose weight) to implement both eating and exercise changes at the same time. It's too overwhelming and leads to failure; this will be different for everyone. I'm glad I know this about myself. I'll keep concentrating on reducing my calorie intake for now, and add the exercise in soon. I'm still waiting for my book on running to arrive too.

So, my main success this week was getting my mind in weight loss mode again. I'm concious of my calorie choices (hard to believe from my graph, I know) and implementing small changes to get myself moving toward my end goal.

On to week #2!

Try the Calorie Counter at MyFoodDiary.com



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