Review: Top 11 Low Carb Myths

There is a good article by Libby over at Ditch The Carbs with some good information about myths people who don't know seem to think are true regarding low carb diets. I'm not going to reiterate the article here but I will respond to the specific points made with my own experience and observations.

  1. We eat no carbs and we restrict fruit and vegetables: I find that I eat way more vegetables than I used to and feel this is a good thing. Also, according to my diet diary I am able to get my daily allowance of vitamins just through vegetables, I hardly eat any fruit at all. As the article mentions, this is by choice, one orange practically fulfills my entire daily target of carbs so I just choose not to eat them. 
  2.  We eat far too much meat and protein: This is an area I have trouble with. My protein target is set to a moderate amount but I find it's really easy to go over. One chicken breast has all the protein you need for the entire day. As long as I keep my carb intake low, I try not to worry about this number too much but I still keep my target low so when I do go over it's not too detrimental. Meat with every meal is typically overkill.
  3.  Our diet isn’t varied: The statement "A low carb diet crowds out junk" is absolutely true. Personally, before I started with #lchf at least 75% of my diet was carbs. (You should plug your numbers into Cronometer sometime, you'll be surprised) Crackers were a particular weakness of mine. Now, I'm not even interested in crackers. I see them as "not food". I'll use a celery stick for dips and snacking now which is one more vegetable I wouldn't have been having normally.
  4.  We are restricted to what we can eat: In the vein of "not food", I don't actually view most of the products on the store shelves as food anymore. All of the brightly colored boxes and bags with marketing printed on them? Not food; carbs, which is essentially sugar and fillers, nothing more. My shopping list has three things on it, meat, dairy, and veggies, and I'm perfectly happy with what I can make from these three categories of food.
  5.  Low carb isn’t sustainable long term: I've only been doing #lchf for about 3 months now. Prior to that my main weight control technique was calorie counting. While it got me into a great habit of recording everything I put in my mouth, it was tough to maintain. I was always trying to slip in sweets and other high carb foods (or drinks) that are full of calories and my day would be shot and I would be hungry. I'm not hungry on lowcarb and I don't crave the carbs anymore. This is totally sustainable for me.
  6.  We are tired because we need carbs for energy: It did take me awhile to adjust from burning carbs to burning fat. I had a period of extreme fatigue while I was transitioning but it was temporary and now I'm on a much more even keel both energy-wise and in my mental health. I don't have desperate "hangry" moments anymore and I can go longer and do more physically than I used to be able to do.
  7.  Low carb is another fad diet: That is exactly what western medicine, the beauty and diet pill industry, and the sugar industry want you to think, so they can make a fortune off of you.  All I can say is try it for yourself and see the results.
  8.  All that fat will give us heart disease: The article goes over the science, all I know is how much better my whole body feels.
  9.  We don’t eat enough fibre: Not according to my diet diary. The only days my fiber is low is when my carbs are high and my veggie intake is low.
  10.  Ketosis is dangerous: Again, I'll let the article go over the science but I believe this is a misconception. I have had no negative side all.
  11.  Our brain needs glucose as fuel: Maybe so but it doesn't have to get what it needs from ice cream, cookies, or pasta. 



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