Journaling Gold

I've been keeping a food journal for at least 14 years. Sometimes I slack off and miss months at a time before I realize I've got a problem and dig it out again, or since my journal is online now, try to remember what the password was that last time I logged in. But for the most part, it's been a constant habit which makes it a very useful tool.

Periodically, I go back and review what was working and what wasn't and there has been one macro nutrient that has been consistently low as far back as I  care to look...fat.

I have never bought into the whole fat-free (or sugar-free, or gluten-free) marketing of products. I have always preferred to use natural, unscientifically modified foods. For example, I have always, always used butter, not margarine. So that isn't the reason my lipids were low.

It was just something I observed though, I didn't think much of it and kind of assumed that it was a good thing, everyone should keep their fat intake down, right? What could fat possibly do that's good for you?

Other people don't seem to have this issue. I see comments from people all the time saying they have always had a high fat intake. I'm very curious where it was coming from. What exactly have they been eating? Even now that I am purposely trying to keep a high amount of fat in my diet I have trouble. Avocados have become my best friend. If I don't have an avocado a day, I really have to work to keep my lipids up.

So, now that I am eating enough fat, what are the good things fat can do for you? Here's what I've observed:

  • My skin is not dry anymore
  • My fingernails are healthy and shiny
  • My hair falls out less (it was never really bad but it's even less now) 
  • Less PMS symptoms
  • Less mood swings
  • My creaky knees aren't quite as creaky anymore
  • Reduced acne
  • Better digestion
To be honest, I don't know how much of this is from increased fat and how much is from reduced carbohydrates since I've been working on both at the same time but it makes sense to me that your body needs fat. It's like oil in your car, it lubricates and keeps things running smoothly. I just didn't realize how much it really needed.


Rebecca said...

According to this article by Dr. Hyman, it sounds like it is the increase in fat that is making the most difference.


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