Week 6 In Review

I mentioned previously that I didn't trust my scale; it died. I need a battery for it and they don't have any on island right now. What a pain. It could be a month or more before we get them back in stock, if ever. I'm thinking at this point I'm going to have to get a new scale. Arrggh! I'm going to have to spend $35 or more when I could have just gotten a battery for $3. Such is life on Kwajalein.

The running is going very well, I'm loving it like I never thought I would. The running intervals are starting to increase and I'm getting stronger. I've stopped taking music with me so I can hear the interval timer and the quiet is very enjoyable. I figured I'd have a hard time motivating without it but I find I don't even miss it.

Food is still a problem for me, keeping my evening calories down has been a challenge. I'm down a couple of pounds from my starting weight (if the scale could be trusted at all) but I'm not making any real progress. I'll have to figure something out but in the meantime, I'll just keep running.

Try the Calorie Counter at MyFoodDiary.com

Buy the Gymboss Interval Timer



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