If I Lose Weight, I Will Have to Buy New Clothes

I know someone that actually gave up on losing weight because she didn't want to have to buy new clothes.

First of all, for a lot of people, this is a good problem to have. The need for new, smaller clothes is actually a reward for their hard weight loss work. It can be fun and motivating and a real ego boost.

For some, this is an expense that they can't really fit into their budget and adds to their stress which can backfire and cause them to gain the weight back or give up. Please don't let this stop you from reaching your goals. More often than not, it's really just an excuse.

If you are losing weight and can't afford a new wardrobe there are other options available.

In the beginning, a belt will help. This will only go so far but it will buy you some time between stages when your clothes are getting looser but maybe not quite loose enough to need replacing.

Another option is to have your clothes tailored. I did this. For about $6-8/ per pair (this will vary per location), I had my pants and skirts taken in and I was able to go another several months before actually replacing them with new clothes.

Maybe you still have some clothes in your closet you've been hanging onto in the hopes they will fit again someday. Try them on, you may be there already. If not, let those clothes encourage you to keep on track so you can wear them again soon.

Please post other ideas that may help someone in this situation. I'm sure there are some creative options I haven't thought of.



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